Chemcoaters announces that it has successfully transitioned to the new ISO 9001:2015 standard.
“Early certification to the 2015 standard reinforces our commitment to providing a quality product to all of our customers. We successfully made the transition from the 2008 standard, to the 2015 standard, without a single major or minor non-conformity. Our registrar stated it is extremely difficult to transition to the new standard without a major or minor non-conformity. This standard is accepted internationally, and validates that Chemcoaters has implemented a sound quality management system with the desired results.”
Mike Pollnow, Chemcoaters Quality Manager, recently announced that Chemcoaters has successfully transitioned their quality system to the new ISO 9001:2015 standard effective April 2017.
Back in 2008, Chemcoaters starting working with Barry Mooney, an ISO and Management Consultant based out of Toronto, Canada ( Chemcoaters underwent a detailed internal review of their existing processes and procedures. Under Mr. Mooney’s guidance, Chemcoaters quality manual was totally rewritten to match their new practices, and, through his continual guidance over the years, allowed Chemcoaters to transition over to the 2015 standard effortlessly. While the 2015 standard does not require the need for a Quality Manual, Chemcoaters has chosen at this time, to keep their manual as a road map moving forward.
Some auditors find that the Chemcoaters system is unique, and are not accustomed to seeing their approach. But, once understood, they see the strength of the system – simplicity and audits. Lots of audits! The Quality Manual is written to take credit for what Chemcoaters does every day. Management review occurs daily, not annually. As new auditors find out, the strength of the Chemcoaters system are the daily audits that take place.
“We’ve been told by the auditors, that our internal audit process is one of the strengths of our system. We spend a lot of time discussing these internal audits, their findings, and implementing change when appropriate in a proactive manner. Our goal is continuous improvement on a daily basis as it relates to our quality performance and services.”
Mike Pollnow, Chemcoaters Quality Manager
Chemcoaters is a unique coil coater offering unique coatings. The Chemcoaters coating line is a first of its kind conceptually. It was designed specifically for applying the most environmentally friendly waterborne coatings systems at low cure temperatures. These waterborne coatings are extremely low in VOC’s (volatile organic compounds) and HAP’s (hazardous air pollutants), making Chemcoaters coatings extremely friendly to the environment. Since the levels of VOC’s and HAP’s are so low, Chemcoaters does not need the expensive environmental equipment to capture and destroy these hazards. That results in Chemcoaters leaving a very small carbon footprint, and, creates a cost advantage to their customers.